Texts and presentations + archive
forthcoming, editing and currently appearing texts
still to be developed... + archive
Сосновская А.М. Священная сторона профессиональной журналистики // Журналистское образование: концепции и стратегии: Межвуз. сб. / Отв. ред. Г.С. Мельник, Б.Я. Мисонжников. СПб.: Роза мира, 2006. С. 61-69. // A Sosnovskaya: ‘Altruism and journalism.’ Completed paper was published also on the website of SPbGU/scientific publications.
Sosnovskaya Anna. Discursive Media Techniques in the Russian and British Newspapers. Representations of National Identity // Media and Change / by Ed. E. Vartanova. M.: MediaMir, 2007. P. 191-203.
Presentation on Transformation of interaction of an audience and mass-media, april 2007 for collegues.
The report " the President as a symbol of the nation: construction of national identity " in frameworks of "Days of the Petersburg Philosophy ", on December, 17, 2005 published in "Мужчина и женщина: параллельные миры? Философия. Исследования международных отношений и журналистики" / М. А. Шишкина, Ю. Н. Солонин, К. К Худолей (и др.). Под ред С. М. Виноградовой. - СПб.: Изд. дом Санкт-Петер.гос-ун-та, 2007. - 452 с.
Seminar for foreign students in English 26.03.07 on Modern Russian mediaculture: discursive strategies.
Representations of otherness in Russian newspapers. in Психология власти - 2008: Материалы Второй международной научной конференции / Под научной редакцией А.И.Юрьева. СПб, 2008. ISBN 978-5-288-04489-2
some articles for research
список научных публикаций на 2009 г.
presentation in ppt on mediaculture #1
presentation in ppt on mediaculture #2
presentation in ppt on mediaculture #3
Representations of otherness in Russian newspapers: the theme of migration as a counterpoint to Russian national identity Howard Davis University of Wales, Bangor, UK Anna Sosnovskaya St Petersburg State University, Russian Federation; Journal of Intercultural Communication ISSN 1404-1634
List of publications 2010
Вышло учебное пособие по деловой коммуникации и переговорам (фото обложки)
Representations of otherness in Russian newspapers: the theme of migration as a counterpoint to Russian national identity
обновленное CV (2011)
учебное пособие "Деловая коммуникация и переговоры"